
542 lines
20 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
WindowMaker dockapp to monitor the free space on your partitions and
the disk activity.
Copyright (C) 2003 Kristoffer Erlandsson
Licensed under the GNU General Public License.
2005-09-02 Mario Frasca
added -s option for skipping an amount of configuration items.
changed some single quotes to double quotes for use in emacs.
updated the rc sample file
2004-07-16 Mario Frasca
recognizes unmounted partitions.
configurable mouse actions.
'used' information for read-only media.
recognizes #-started numerical-coded colors.
2003-09-01 Kristoffer Erlandsson
Fixed a bug where the numbers wouldn't show if they were between 1000 and 1024.
2003-06-25 Kristoffer Erlandsson
Fixed a bug where a mouse click caused the app to enter an infinite loop
2003-06-24 Kristoffer Erlandsson
Additional fine tuning
2003-06-23 Kristoffer Erlandsson
First working version
usage = """ [options]
Available options are:
-h, --help print this help
-t, --textcolor <color> set the text color
-f, --barfgcolor <color> set the foregroundcolor of the act. bar
-g, --barbgcolor <color> set the background color of the act. bar
-b, --background <color> set the background color
-F, --font <file> set the font name
-r, --rgbfile <file> set the rgb file to get color codes from
-c, --configfile <file> set the config file to use
-p, --procstat <file> set the location of /proc/stat
-s, --skipconf <num> determines how many configuration items to skip
import sys
import time
import getopt
import os
import wmdocklib
width = 64
height = 64
xOffset = 4
yOffset = 5
graphStartX = 7
graphStartY = 53
graphHeight = 4
graphBgStartX = 72-64
graphBgStartY = 53+64
graphLineStartX = 2
graphLineStartY = 58+64
defaultConfigFile = os.environ['HOME']+'/.pywmhdmonrc'
defaultProcStat = '/proc/stat'
displayModes = ('bar', 'percent', 'free', 'used')
defaultMode = 'bar'
hdmon = None
class NotMounted(OSError):
class PywmHDMon:
def __init__(self, pathsToMonitor, procStat='/proc/stat', actMonEnabled=1, skipping=0):
self._pathsToMonitor = pathsToMonitor
self._actMonEnabled = actMonEnabled
self._skipping = skipping
self._lineCount = (height - yOffset*2 - 2) // (char_height+1)
self._statFile = procStat
self._maxIODiff = 0
self._lastIO = -1
for i in range(max(self._lineCount, len(pathsToMonitor)-skipping)):
wmdocklib.addMouseRegion(i+1, 8, self.getY(i+1)+yOffset,
58, self.getY(i+1)+char_height+yOffset)
def addString(self, s, x, y):
wmdocklib.addString(s, x, y, xOffset, yOffset, width, height)
except ValueError as e:
sys.stderr.write('Error when painting string:\n' + str(e) + '\n')
def getHdInfo(self, path):
"""Get the free and total space of the filesystem which path is on.
Return a tuple with (<total space>, <free space>) in bytes. Raise
OSError if we can't stat the path. Raise NotMounted if not mounted.
These operations are quite costly, not adviced to perform these checks
more than once every 10 seconds.
# check if is mounted <- st_dev(/mount/point) == st_dev(/mount)
if path != '/':
statOwn = os.stat(path)
# the following is a bit ugly: it removes the trailing
# dirname from the mount point. split by '/', leave the
# last string, join back, check for empty string.
statCnt = os.stat('/'.join(path.split('/')[:-1]) or '/')
if statOwn[2] == statCnt[2]:
raise NotMounted
stat = os.statvfs(path)
blockSize = stat.f_bsize
availableBlocks = stat.f_bavail
totalBlocks = stat.f_blocks
free = blockSize * availableBlocks
total = blockSize * totalBlocks
return (total, free)
def paintGraph(self, percentFilled, x, y, w, thin=None):
"""Paint a graph with percentFilled percent filled.
Paint at position x, y and with width w.
if thin == 1, make it a thin line instead of a block.
paintWidth = int(round(percentFilled/100.0 * w))
if paintWidth > 0:
graphLineStartX, graphLineStartY, paintWidth, thin or graphHeight,
x + xOffset, y + yOffset)
if w - paintWidth > 0:
graphBgStartX, graphBgStartY, w - paintWidth, thin or graphHeight,
x + paintWidth + xOffset, y + yOffset)
def getY(self, line):
"returns the y coordinate of the top line for the box"
interlinea = (height - yOffset*2 - 2 - self._lineCount * char_height) // (self._lineCount-1)
interlinea += char_height
lastBaseline = yOffset + self._lineCount * interlinea
from math import ceil
extraYOffset = int(ceil((height - yOffset - lastBaseline) / 2.0))
return extraYOffset + (line - 1) * interlinea
def paintLabel(self, line, label):
self.addString(label, 1, self.getY(line))
def paintHdData(self, line, data, mode):
total, free = data
xStart = (width*2)//5
if total==0:
self.addString(' ', width-yOffset*2-5*char_width-1, self.getY(line))
self.paintGraph(0, xStart, self.getY(line) + 4,
width - xOffset*2 - xStart - 2,
elif mode == 'percent':
percent = (float(free) / float(total)) * 100.0
percentStr = (str(int(round(percent))) + '%').rjust(5)
self.addString(percentStr, xStart, self.getY(line))
elif mode == 'used':
totalStr = bytesToStr(total).rjust(5)
self.addString(totalStr, width-yOffset*2-5*char_width-1, self.getY(line))
elif mode == 'free':
freeStr = bytesToStr(free).rjust(5)
self.addString(freeStr, width-yOffset*2-5*char_width, self.getY(line))
elif mode == 'bar':
percentUsed = (float(total - free) / float(total)) * 100.0
self.paintGraph(percentUsed, xStart, self.getY(line) + 2,
width - xOffset*2 - xStart - 2)
sys.stderr.write('Unknown display mode: %s, ignoring data.\n'
% mode)
def getHdActivity(self):
"""Return the current hd activity in percent.
Return how many percent of the max achieved activity during the
program's lifetime the current activity is. However, every time
this method is called we decrease the max achieved activity a
little bit to get a bit less affected by spikes. I think the
interesting thing is to see if the hard drive is active, not
really exactly how active.
statFile = file(self._statFile, 'r')
diskIoStartTag = 'disk_io: '
ioLine = None
for line in statFile:
if line.startswith(diskIoStartTag):
ioLine = line
if ioLine is None:
# Can't get HD activity
sys.stderr.write("Can't get hd activity from %s\n" %
return 0.0
ioLine = ioLine[len(diskIoStartTag):]
disks = ioLine.split()
currIO = 0
for disk in disks:
dataPart = disk.split(':')[1].strip(')(')
infos = dataPart.split(',')
blocksRead = long(infos[2])
blocksWritten = long(infos[4])
currIO += blocksRead + blocksWritten
if self._lastIO == -1:
self._lastIO = currIO
currDiff = currIO - self._lastIO
self._lastIO = currIO
if currDiff > self._maxIODiff:
self._maxIODiff = currDiff
if self._maxIODiff <= 0:
self._maxIODiff = 0
return 0.0
currAct = (float(currDiff) / float(self._maxIODiff)) * 100.0
self._maxIODiff -= 1 # So spikes won't affect us too much.
return currAct
def updateHdActivity(self):
currentAct = self.getHdActivity()
self.paintGraph(currentAct, 3, height - yOffset*2 - 3 - graphHeight,
width - 2 * xOffset - 6)
def _checkEvents(self):
event = wmdocklib.getEvent()
while event is not None:
if event['type'] == 'destroynotify':
elif event['type'] == 'buttonrelease':
area = wmdocklib.checkMouseRegion(event['x'],event['y'])
if area != -1:
event = wmdocklib.getEvent()
def toggleMount(self, line):
label, path, mode, action = self._pathsToMonitor[line]
if action is None:
mounted = True
except NotMounted:
mounted = False
except OSError as e:
if mounted:
if action == 'mount':
os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, 'umount', ['umount', path])
elif action == 'eject':
os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, 'umount', ['umount', path])
os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, 'eject', ['eject', path])
os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, 'mount', ['mount', path])
def updateMonitoredPaths(self):
index = 0
pageoffset = self._skipping
for i in self._pathsToMonitor:
index += 1
if index < pageoffset+1:
if i is not None:
label, path, mode, action = i
self.paintLabel(index-pageoffset, label)
hdData = self.getHdInfo(path)
except NotMounted:
hdData = (0, 0)
except OSError as e:
"Can't get hd data from %s: %s\n" % (path, str(e)))
hdData = (0, 0)
self.paintHdData(index-pageoffset, hdData, mode)
if index - pageoffset == self._lineCount:
def mainLoop(self):
while 1:
if self._actMonEnabled:
import signal
def handler(num, frame):
def parseCommandLine(argv):
"""Parse the commandline. Return a dictionary with options and values."""
shorts = 'ht:f:g:b:r:c:p:s:F:'
longs = ['help', 'textcolor=', 'background=', 'barfgcolor=',
'rgbfile=', 'configfile=', 'barbgcolor=', 'procstat=',
'skipconf=','font=', 'debug']
opts, nonOptArgs = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], shorts, longs)
except getopt.GetoptError as e:
sys.stderr.write('Error when parsing commandline: ' + str(e) + '\n')
d = {}
for o, a in opts:
if o in ('-h', '--help'):
if o in ('-t', '--textcolor'):
d['textcolor'] = a
if o in ('-b', '--background'):
d['background'] = a
if o in ('-r', '--rgbfile'):
d['rgbfile'] = a
if o in ('-c', '--configfile'):
d['configfile'] = a
if o in ('-g', '--barbgcolor'):
d['barbgcolor'] = a
if o in ('-F', '--font'):
d['font'] = a
if o in ('-f', '--barfgcolor'):
d['barfgcolor'] = a
if o in ('-p', '--procstat'):
d['procstat'] = a
if o in ('-s', '--skipconf'):
d['skipconf'] = a
if o in ('--debug'):
d['debug'] = True
return d
def makeNumDigits(num, numDigits):
"""Make a floating point number a certain number of digits, including
decimal. Return a string containing it.
lenOfIntPart = len(str(int(num)))
if lenOfIntPart > numDigits:
# Can't convert a number to less digits then it's integer part...
return ''
decimalsNeeded = numDigits - lenOfIntPart
s = '%' + str(lenOfIntPart) + '.' + str(decimalsNeeded) + 'f'
s = s % round(num, decimalsNeeded)
return s
def bytesToStr(bytes):
"""Convert a number of bytes to a nice printable string.
May raise ValueError if bytes can't be seen as an float.
bytes = float(bytes)
kb = 1024
mb = 1024 * 1024
gb = 1024 * mb
tb = 1024 * gb
pb = 1024 * tb
if bytes < kb:
size = bytes
letter = 'B'
#return makeNumDigits(bytes, numDigits) + 'B'
elif bytes < mb:
size = bytes / kb
letter = 'k'
#return makeNumDigits(bytes/kb, numDigits) + 'k'
elif bytes < gb:
size = bytes / mb
letter = 'M'
#return makeNumDigits(bytes/mb, numDigits) + 'M'
elif bytes < tb:
size = bytes / gb
letter = 'G'
#return makeNumDigits(bytes/gb, numDigits) + 'G'
elif bytes < pb:
size = bytes / tb
letter = 'T'
#return makeNumDigits(bytes/tb, numDigits) + 'T'
size = bytes / pb
letter = 'p'
#return makeNumDigits(bytes/pb, numDigits) + 'P'
if size >= 1000:
res = makeNumDigits(size, 4)
res = makeNumDigits(size, 3)
res += letter
return res
def main():
clConfig = parseCommandLine(sys.argv)
configFile = clConfig.get('configfile', defaultConfigFile)
configFile = os.path.expanduser(configFile)
fileConfig = wmdocklib.readConfigFile(configFile, sys.stderr)
config = fileConfig
for i in clConfig.items():
config[i[0]] = i[1]
palette = {}
palette[0] = clConfig.get('background', 'black')
palette[2] = clConfig.get('textcolor', 'cyan3')
palette[9] = clConfig.get('barfgcolor', 'cyan')
palette[8] = clConfig.get('barbgcolor', 'cyan4')
palette[5] = clConfig.get('activitycolor', 'cyan2')
font = clConfig.get('font', '6x8')
debug = clConfig.get('debug')
global char_width, char_height
char_width, char_height = wmdocklib.initPixmap(patterns=patterns,
bg=0, fg=2, debug=debug)
pathsToMonitor = []
for i in range(1,1000):
labelStr = str(i) + '.label'
pathStr = str(i) + '.path'
modeStr = str(i) + '.displaymode'
actionStr = str(i) + '.action'
label = config.get(labelStr)
if not label: break
path = config.get(pathStr)
action = config.get(actionStr, 'fixed').lower().strip()
if action not in ['mount', 'eject']:
action = None
displayMode = config.get(modeStr, defaultMode)
if not displayMode in displayModes:
'Unknown display mode: %s, using default.\n' % displayMode)
displayMode = defaultMode
takeChars = 3
if char_width <= 5:
takeChars = 4
pathsToMonitor.append((label[:takeChars], path, displayMode, action))
procStat = config.get('procstat', defaultProcStat)
skipping = int(config.get('skipconf', 0))
actMonEnabled = int(config.get('monitoring',0))
if not os.access(procStat, os.R_OK):
"Can't read your procstat file, try setting it with -p. ")
sys.stderr.write("Disabling the HD activity bar.\n")
actMonEnabled = 0
programName = sys.argv[0].split(os.sep)[-1]
except IndexError:
programName = ''
sys.argv[0] = programName
wmdocklib.openXwindow(sys.argv, width, height)
signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler)
global hdmon
hdmon = PywmHDMon(pathsToMonitor, procStat, actMonEnabled, skipping)
patterns = \
if __name__ == '__main__':