# Sample configuration file for pywmgeneric.py. # # THIS IS ONLY A SAMPLE. IT WILL MOST CERTAIN NOT WORK ON YOUR SYSTEM SINCE # CUSTOM PROGRAMS ARE USED IN HERE. ONLY USE THIS AS AN REFERENCE. # # Available actions are: # * method - Call a method defined in the class UserMethods. See the # source file for more information # * exec - Execute an external command # # Available mouse actions are: # * method - Same as above, see the source file for more information. # * exec - Same as above # * update - Update the data through running the action. # # Other options: # * scroll = yes|no - en-/disable scrolling of the text if it doens't fit. # * display = - display a static string instead of the first line of # the action-generated output. # * update_delay = - the time to elapse between performing the # action # # %(allText)s expands to all the text collected by the action. # %(displayedLine)s expands to the line currently displayed in the app. This # may show more than actually displayed since it gets the # entire line, which may be truncated before display. # %(allTextEscaped)s expands to the same as %(allText)s but with all ":s # escaped to \". Great to use when passing the text as a # command line argument to something. # %(allTextButFirstLine)s expands to all text but leaves out the first line. # Useful if your program for example prints a summary # first. # %(allTextButFirstLineEscaped)s is a combination of the two above. # [0] action = method getCpuTemp update_delay = 10s on_mouse1 = exec sensors | xmessage -file - on_mouse3 = update scroll = no [1] action = method getSysTemp update_delay = 10s on_mouse1 = exec sensors | xmessage -file - on_mouse3 = update scroll = no [2] action = exec tvcatcher.py -s -d on_mouse1 = method showTvWithoutDescs on_mouse2 = exec mozilla http://tvprogram.nu on_mouse3 = exec xmessage "%(allTextButFirstLineEscaped)s" update_delay = 5m scroll = yes [3] display = xterm on_mouse1 = exec xterm [4] action = exec dnheadlinecatcher.py -d on_mouse1 = method showDnWithoutDescs on_mouse2 = exec mozilla http://www.dn.se on_mouse3 = exec xmessage "%(allTextEscaped)s" update_delay = 0.5h scroll = yes