
141 lines
4.7 KiB

import os
import PySimpleGUI as sg
from datetime import date, timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageEnhance, ImageFilter, ImageFont, ImageOps
from io import BytesIO
def resource_path(relative_path):
""" Get absolute path to resource, works for dev and for PyInstaller """
base_path = sys._MEIPASS
except Exception:
base_path = os.path.abspath(".")
return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path)
def save_filename():
"""determin file name by platform"""
folder = Path('D:/OBS Assets/Overlays')
if folder.exists():
return folder / 'Title.png'
return Path.home() / 'Pictures' / 'Title.png'
def get_subtitle():
"""find Wednesday of the current/next week"""
today = date.today()
if today.weekday() > 2:
wednesday = today + timedelta(9 - today.weekday())
wednesday = today + timedelta(2 - today.weekday())
return wednesday.strftime('Bible Study %A %B %#d, %Y')
def update_image(original, title, subtitle):
"""Render new title and title preview
renders text on full sized slide
make half sized copy for preview and fill top/bottom with white.
font1 = ImageFont.truetype(resource_path('tahomabd.ttf'), 50)
font2 = ImageFont.truetype(resource_path('tahomabd.ttf'), 38)
# render text
text = Image.new(mode="RGBA", size=(1280,720))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(text)
draw.text((20,520), title, font=font1, fill='white',
stroke_width=4, stroke_fill='black', spacing=4)
draw.text((20,588), subtitle, font=font2, fill='white',
stroke_width=4, stroke_fill='black', spacing=4)
# render drop dhadow
dropshadow = Image.new(mode="RGBA", size=(1280,720))
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(dropshadow)
draw.text((25,525), title, font=font1, fill='black',
stroke_width=4, stroke_fill='black', spacing=4)
draw.text((25,593), subtitle, font=font2, fill='black',
stroke_width=4, stroke_fill='black', spacing=4)
# apply blur
for i in range(6):
dropshadow = dropshadow.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)
# make dropdhadow 10% transparent
alpha = dropshadow.split()[3]
alpha = ImageEnhance.Brightness(alpha).enhance(.9)
# merge dropshdow then text layer onto background
background = Image.alpha_composite(original, dropshadow)
background = Image.alpha_composite(background, text)
return background
def update_thumbnail(image):
"""genreate thumbnail from original image"""
"""454-720 scales to 227-360"""
scaled = image.resize((720, 360))
# white = (255, 255, 255, 255)
# ImageDraw.floodfill(scaled, (5, 5), value=white)
# ImageDraw.floodfill(scaled, (5, 355), value=white)
thumbnail = scaled.crop((0, 255, 719, 359))
return thumbnail
def build_layout(title, subtitle, thumbnail):
control_col = sg.Column([
layout = [[sg.Input(title, key = '-TITLE-',
layout = [[sg.Input(subtitle, key = '-SUBTITLE-',
sg.Button('Save image', key= '-SAVE-')],
bio = BytesIO()
thumbnail.save(bio, format = 'PNG')
image_col = sg.Column([[sg.Image(data=bio.getvalue(), key = '-IMAGE-')]])
layout = [[control_col,image_col]]
return layout
def main():
title = 'Pastor Shane Wallis'
subtitle = get_subtitle()
image_path = resource_path('blank_title.png')
original = Image.open(image_path)
image = update_image(original, title, subtitle)
thumbnail = update_thumbnail(image)
layout = build_layout(title, subtitle, thumbnail)
window = sg.Window('Harvest Christian Assembly Message Title', layout)
# image contains the final image
while True:
event, values = window.read(timeout=50)
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
if event == "-TITLE-" or event == '-SUBTITLE-':
if values['-TITLE-'] != title or values['-SUBTITLE-'] != subtitle:
title = values['-TITLE-']
subtitle = values['-SUBTITLE-']
original = Image.open(image_path)
image = update_image(original, title, subtitle)
thumbnail = update_thumbnail(image)
bio = BytesIO()
thumbnail.save(bio, format = 'PNG')
window['-IMAGE-'].update(data = bio.getvalue())
if event == "-SAVE-":
save_path = save_filename()
image.save(save_path, 'PNG')
if __name__ == "__main__":