import os import PySimpleGUI as sg from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageEnhance, ImageFilter, ImageFont, ImageOps from io import BytesIO def resource_path(relative_path): """ Get absolute path to resource, works for dev and for PyInstaller """ try: base_path = sys._MEIPASS except Exception: base_path = os.path.abspath(".") return os.path.join(base_path, relative_path) def save_filename(): """determin file name by platform""" folder = Path('D:/OBS Assets/Overlays') if folder.exists(): return folder / 'Title.png' return Path.home() / 'Pictures' / 'Title.png' def update_image(original, title, subtitle): """Render new title and title preview renders text on full sized slide make half sized copy for preview and fill top/bottom with white. """ # render text text ="RGBA", size=(1280,720)) font1 = ImageFont.truetype('tahomabd.ttf', 50) font2 = ImageFont.truetype('tahomabd.ttf', 38) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(text) draw.text((20,520), title, font=font1, fill='white', stroke_width=4, stroke_fill='black', spacing=4) draw.text((20,588), subtitle, font=font2, fill='white', stroke_width=4, stroke_fill='black', spacing=4) # render drop dhadow dropshadow ="RGBA", size=(1280,720)) font1 = ImageFont.truetype('tahomabd.ttf', 50) font2 = ImageFont.truetype('tahomabd.ttf', 38) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(dropshadow) draw.text((25,525), title, font=font1, fill='black', stroke_width=4, stroke_fill='black', spacing=4) draw.text((25,593), subtitle, font=font2, fill='black', stroke_width=4, stroke_fill='black', spacing=4) # apply blur for i in range(6): dropshadow = dropshadow.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR) # make dropdhadow 10% transparent alpha = dropshadow.split()[3] alpha = ImageEnhance.Brightness(alpha).enhance(.9) dropshadow.putalpha(alpha) # merge dropshdow then text layer onto background background = Image.alpha_composite(original, dropshadow) background = Image.alpha_composite(background, text) return background def update_thumbnail(image): """genreate thumbnail from original image""" """454-720 scales to 227-360""" scaled = image.resize((720, 360)) # white = (255, 255, 255, 255) # ImageDraw.floodfill(scaled, (5, 5), value=white) # ImageDraw.floodfill(scaled, (5, 355), value=white) thumbnail = scaled.crop((0, 255, 719, 359)) return thumbnail def build_layout(title, subtitle, thumbnail): control_col = sg.Column([ [ sg.Frame('Title', layout = [[sg.Input(title, key = '-TITLE-', enable_events=True)]] )], [ sg.Frame('subtitle', layout = [[sg.Input(subtitle, key = '-SUBTITLE-', enable_events=True)]] )], [ sg.Button('Save image', key= '-SAVE-')], ]) bio = BytesIO(), format = 'PNG') image_col = sg.Column([[sg.Image(data=bio.getvalue(), key = '-IMAGE-')]]) layout = [[control_col,image_col]] return layout def main(): title = 'Pastor Shane Wallis' subtitle = 'Bible Stduy Wednesday June 1st, 2022' image_path = resource_path('blank_title.png') original = image = update_image(original, title, subtitle) thumbnail = update_thumbnail(image) layout = build_layout(title, subtitle, thumbnail) window = sg.Window('Harvest Christian Assembly Message Title', layout) # image contains the final image while True: event, values = if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED: break if event == "-TITLE-" or event == '-SUBTITLE-': if values['-TITLE-'] != title or values['-SUBTITLE-'] != subtitle: title = values['-TITLE-'] subtitle = values['-SUBTITLE-'] original = image = update_image(original, title, subtitle) thumbnail = update_thumbnail(image) bio = BytesIO(), format = 'PNG') window['-IMAGE-'].update(data = bio.getvalue()) if event == "-SAVE-": save_path = 'Title.png', 'PNG') window.close() if __name__ == "__main__": main()