# hcatitles This program will update the png file found at `D:\OBS Assets\Overlays\title.png` ## Setting up the build environment Making the assumption that python is installed in `C:\Program Files\Python39` and Develmpent is being done under `D:\Development` Pull a copy of this project from git: ``` D:\ cd \development git clone https://git.elder-geek.net/Harvest/hcatitles.git ``` Then setup this foulder with a virtual environment: ``` cd hcatitles & "C:\Program Files\Python39\python" -m venv venv ``` Activate the virtual enviroment: ``` venv\Script\activate ``` Update `pip `and install requirments: ``` python -m pip install --upgrade pip pip install -r requisments.txt ``` Testing code after making edits: ``` python hcatitiles.py ``` To create an executable in `D:\Development\hcatitles\dist`: ``` pyinstaller hcatitles.spec ``` ## To Activate the virtual enviroment from a new DOS prompt ``` D:\ cd \development\hcatitles venv\Scripts\activate ``` When done working in the virtual enviroment: ``` deactivate ``` ## First time run of pyinstaller to generate hcatitles.spec Windows uses `^` to continues a command on the next line. ``` pyinstaller --onefile --windowed --icon projector.ico ^ --add-data "blank_title.png:." ^ --add-data "tahoma.ttf:." ^ --add-data "tahomabd.ttf:." ^ --add-data "projector.ico:." ^ hcatitles.py ```